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COVID-19 Resources for Artists,

Freelance Cultural Professionals, and Arts Organisations

Hello and welcome to ACRI’s resource and response page on COVID-19 for

Artists, Freelance Cultural Professionals and Arts Organisations in India.


ACRI aims to monitor the spread and impact of the Coronavirus on the culture sector in India and work with other cultural organisations to gather information, share resources, and advocate for the cultural sector. We highly encourage visitors and ACRI Members to review our resources here, read our member newsletters, and follow ACRI on Facebook and Instagram for updates.



Here are some SURVEYS for you to fill while you are here:

Submit information for a listing of your digital event.

Share resources that you know of or are involved with.

  • Facebook
  • Instagram

What are your duties and responsibilities towards your audiences and general public in times of crisis? 

#Health&Safety #CrisisManagement #Refund Policies

What systems can artists and organisations set internally to deal with COVID-19?



#Productivity #WFH

#Learning&Development #MentalHealth

How do we engage with our clients, stakeholders

and funders?




#Reflect #RealignStrategy #Reboot #FinancialPlanning

What can the sector do collectively to ensure that there is minimal impact?




#Funding #AMAs #SectorNews #Petitions

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