Mumbai Chapter
Chapter Host: The Art X Company
The Art X Company is an interdisciplinary arts organisation that operates at the intersection of arts and access. We enable access to the arts via Audience Development Strategy (audience analysis, strategy, curation, and production) and Arts Research (mapping, market profiling, sector studies) and Creative Projects. We curate, conceptualise and execute cross-genre events and projects, undertake arts research projects across cultural and creative industries in India. Our work includes museum collaborations, multi-genre performances, literature encounters and studies in the arts sector.
In 2015, Founder-Director of The Art X Company, Rashmi Dhanwani, began a Facebook group that would grow to become a much-loved sharing platform for opportunities aimed at cultural professionals. That group is what we now know today as Arts Culture Resources India (ACRI).
Check out their website here.
Chapter Advisors: Alisha Sadikot (The Inheritage Project), Bjoern Ketels and Amruta Nemivant (Goethe Institut Mumbai), Karan and Michaela Talwar (Harkat Studios), Parmesh Shahani (Godrej India Culture Lab), Rafael Pereira (Mumbai Assembly).