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The Revolving Door: Diversity and Inclusion in Indian Arts Festivals - 29 Nov, 2019

The Art X Company

A Festival Connections event: An Annual Programme of Expertise, Knowledge, and Networking between India and the UK

29 Nov, 2019 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. British Council, One Indiabulls Center, Mumbai


Cultural festivals are created to showcase, celebrate and represent the diversity of our art, culture, values, and people. So the question is… how diverse and inclusive are we being while planning and executing these festivals? Is diversity and inclusion just a checkbox for India’s culture sector?

To explore this aspect of diversity and inclusivity in contemporary festival making, a session was held in Mumbai exploring this critical aspects of cultural representation. Anisha Shah - Homemaker, Special Arts Educator & Co-Founder, Access For ALL, Brinda Miller - Fine Artist & Kala Ghoda Association Committee Member, Nidhi Goyal - Founder & Director, Rising Flame and Parmesh Shahani - Head, Godrej India Culture Lab talked of the various aspects of accessibility and inclusivity, ranging from festival production, the festival content, festival audience or the festival team that puts together such spectacular shows.


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